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Call Chris: 0438 081 404
Trusted Float and Trailer Repairs

2420 Plenty Road, Whittlesea, Vic 3757

Hints & Tips

Things to watch out for when buying a second-hand float

Thursday May 3, 2012 by Chris Bryce

Make sure the person selling the float is the owner. It could be as simple as tracing its history through registration papers. Buying your float from a dealer gives you better peace of mind and you will have some kind of comeback in the event of trouble. More »

Tips for towing a horse float

Thursday May 3, 2012 by Chris Bryce

When you tow a Horse Float there is far more to consider than when driving a car. If you have towed any kind of trailer before, you are one of the lucky ones who do have a head start.However, if you are new to floating your horse, it’s time to take a lesson in the basics, most of which is just good common sense. More »

Trusted Float and Trailer Repairs, Call Chris: 0438 081 404

Pine Park Float Repairs
2420 Plenty Road,
Whittlesea, Vic 3757

Mon - Sat:
7.30am - 4.30pm weekdays
7.30am - 1.30pm Saturdays
(or by appointment)

TEL: 0438 081 404

"Chris works hard and has always done a great job on my float at a minimum cost. We're lucky to have such a good engineer not far away. Thanks Chris!"

Janet Chambers

"I was also really impressed with the quality of work. Chris did a great job and we'll be back next time we need something done as well!"

Michelle Whitewood

"Chris is down to earth and puts in the hard work to make sure you get the best job possible."

Mark Scott